Criminal Defense
We offer flat fees to all of our Criminal Defense clients. This takes all of the guess-work out of how much your representation will ultimately cost. During your consultation, we discuss a number of factors surrounding your case including the complexity of the work, the extenuating circumstances involved in the arrest, the stage your case is in (i.e. pre-arrest, pre-indictment, pre-trial, etc.) and a number of other factors. Once we have a game plan in place, we quote our fees for representation. Learn more about our Criminal Defense Practice.
Family Law
In uncontested family law matters, we accept flat fees. The fees do not include the filing fees assessed by the court. In family law when a matter is uncontested it is always less expensive for the client than when a matter is contested. If a matter is contested, we work on an hourly retainer- accepting an initial retainer fee and billing from that retainer as we complete work on your case. We send clients detailed and itemized statements regularly so there are never any surprises regarding the fee balance with the Firm. During your consultation, we discuss ways to keep your attorney’s fees at a minimum. Learn more about our Family Law Practice.
Estate Planning and Probate Services
Our estate plans are not “one-size fits all”, however, we offer a very reasonable flat fee structure to our Estate Planning clients. Before your consultation, we send you a free Estate Planning Worksheet. Once we get a big picture idea of your needs, we offer a flat fee for all of our Estate Plan services. These fees cover your drafting, final edits, and costs for the signing meeting. Learn more about our Estate Planning Practice.
Personal Injury
All of our personal injury clients can rest assured that we do not charge anything up front to represent them. Rather, our fees are contingent upon our recovery for the client. This means NO FEES unless we recover for you. This ensures that clients have the absolute best representation, even when they cannot afford it. Learn more about our Personal Injury Practice.